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vacatures voor 'ictjob be'

ITS Group Benelux - Business & Sales Manager

ITS Group Benelux
ITS Group is an IT Infrastructure company. For over 20 years, ITS Group has supported companies in their digital transformation projects thanks to the strength of its specialized areas of expertise. This synergy, joined to strong technological partnerships, allows us to offer turnkey solutions around the main IT market stakes: Cloud, Mobility, Infrastructure, Cybersecurity, Data Management ITS Group is a group of Agile and

Isabel Group - Python Developer

Isabel Group
Welcome to your future team. As a Python Developer (employee or freelancer), you will become an indispensable link in the ClearFacts-team that belongs to our Business Solutions division headed by Marie Costers. You'll join our Machine Learning team. The team is tasked to build the next generation of our digital highway between accountants and small/medium businesses. Efficient ML Models turn incoming invoices

Isabel Group - Functional Analyst

Isabel Group
What you'll be doing & where Where are you? Welcome to your future team. As a Functional Analyst (employee or freelancer) you will become an indispensable link in the KUBE Team that belongs to our Banking Solutions division headed by Sabrina Defraene. What you'll be doing? As a Functional Analyst, you will play a pivotal role in shaping and overseeing how Isabel Group scales up its corporate data services in the coming years.

Isabel Group - Software Engineer API

Isabel Group
Welcome to your future team. As a Software Engineer (employee or freelancer) you will become an indispensable link in the Ibanity Team that belongs to our Business Solutions division headed by Marie Costers. What you'll be doing? You'll bring your own ideas to help us with financial institution integrations, API specification, software architecture, micro-service architecture

Isabel Group - Product Manager

Isabel Group
Welcome to your future team. As Product Manager (employee or freelancer) you will become an indispensable link in the Kube Team that belongs to our Banking Solutions division headed by Sabrina Defraene. What you'll be doing As Product Manager, you will play a pivotal role in shaping and overseeing how Isabel Group scales up its corporate data services in the coming years. You will join the Kube

Isabel Group - Functional Analyst

Isabel Group
What you'll be doing & where Where are you? Welcome to your future team. As a Functional Analyst (employee or freelancer) you will become an indispensable link in our Banking Solutions division headed by Sabrina Defraene. What you'll be doing? Joining our Banking Solutions Team(s) as a Functional Analyst you will be working on our multi-banking platform. This includes activities around the processing of several types of payments, fraud detection, digital signatures with various

Sibelga - Functional Analyst

Bij welke dienst kom je terecht? Het departement Digital Business Solutions (DBS) ondersteunt alle business activiteiten van Sibelga. Het zorgt ervoor dat Sibelga beschikt over performante processen en een autonoom IT-systeem dat deze processen ondersteunt en dat afgestemd is op de evoluerende behoeften en opkomende technologieën. Binnen het departement Dbs staat de unit "Works,

Werkenvoor.be - Java Developper

Er is 1 statutaire Nederlandstalige of Franstalige vacante betrekking bij de Cel Java van de Directie van de Ontwikkeling bij de Afdeling van de informatie- en communicatietechnologieën, bij de Algemene Directie Ondersteunende diensten van de FOD Werkgelegenheid, Arbeid en Sociaal Overleg (Ernest Blerotstraat 1, 1070 Brussel). De vacature staat open omdat we op zoek zijn naar

DigiTribe - Senior Service Reliability Engineer

As a Senior Service Reliability Engineer you will be a key member of the IT Service Management team, responsible for ensuring the reliability and performance of the applications and systems. Tasks Monitor information and sources to generate alerts and warning on potential issues before they impact the systems or applications Analyze configuration and behavioral issues and deploy technical solutions typically via tooling

Sibelga - Functional Analyst SAP HR

BIJ WELKE DIENST KOM JE TERECHT? Het departement Digital Business Solutions (DBS) ondersteunt alle business activiteiten van Sibelga. Het zorgt ervoor dat Sibelga beschikt over autonome informatica die inspeelt op de evolutie van haar behoeften en de technologieën. Binnen DBS helpt het ERP team de departementen HR, Finance, Logistics en Procurement om hun

Travaillerpour.be - Informaticien Expert IaC

Le service ICT est un des services de support de l'Observatoire royal de Belgique et collabore étroitement avec les services ICT de l'IRM et de l'Iasb sur le site du 'Pôle Espace'. Le service ICT est responsable de la gestion et du développement de l'ensemble de l'infrastructure ICT et des services associés. Le service ICT est également responsable du support aux utilisateurs dans l'utilisation de l'infrastructure et dans le développement de ses propres applications logicielles.

Sibelga - MuleSoft Integration Analyst

Bij Welke Dienst Kom Je Terecht? Digital Business Solutions (Dbs), het ICT-departement van Sibelga, ondersteunt alle businessactiviteiten van Sibelga. Het stelt hen in staat efficiënt te zijn en te blijven evolueren. Het zorgt ervoor dat Sibelga beschikt over een onafhankelijk IT-systeem dat beantwoordt aan haar veranderende behoeften en technologieën. Het

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